(Below) Teacher Jack (age 52) gets kisses from an 18 year old Chinese girl. She asked to marry him but he declined because he already has a beautiful Chinese wife.

“Men make the rules for girls in society. These rules change over time. It is time that China makes a major change. Strong men govern women by force. Weak men allow women to do what they want. “- Teacher Jack

(Above) Teacher Jack with two 18 year old Chinese girls in Dalian, China- China’s best city.

China is on the verge of population collapse because not enough young people are having babies. Leaders have no solution. They have no solution because they all make the same mistake in believing that love is required to make a baby and begin a family. This is not the case. If two loyal citizens are willing to do their duty for China, then that is all that is required to make a baby and begin a family. So, it is not babies that are lacking, it is loyalty to the CCP. Therefore, the CCP in return must seek out the traitors who oppose making babies and punish them. Luckily for China, Teacher Jack is here to solve the problem and he has a plan to do it. It has several steps that include lowering the age of marriage to age 12 and punishing lesbians and single women. Teacher Jack believes that these harsh measures are necessary because from his study of Chinese history. “There can be no greater leap forward without suffering.”-Teacher Jack

(Above) Teacher Jack gets a young Chinese teen to put her ass up in the air willingly. “Once I give a girl an orgasm, she will forever put her ass up in the air for me even if we are divorced.”- Teacher Jack

Chinese Hairpin Ceremony at age 10

(Above) Chinese hairpin ceremony should be celebrated at age 10. Hairpins should be available in McDonald’s Happy Meals and the girls should be given an ice cream cone at the end of the ceremony in McDonalds.

(Above) Do not allow a Chinese girl to enter University until she has at least one child.

“Lesbians and single women who flaunt their lifestyle in view of children and the high cost of living are forcing China’s youth to abandon the idea of marriage and children. This disloyalty to China and the CCP must end immediately.”- Teacher Jack

(Above) China girls must have a baby between ages 12 and 14. They should be dominated in the bedroom and in the relationship.

(Below) The correct age to learn how to be a good wife.

(Above) Playing together in happiness

(Above) “Preparation for marriage should begin about age 10 in public schools. School must teach girls how to cook, clean, and please their husbands. No more lesbians with University degrees. All girls must be able to draw a human penis on the blackboard in their schools by age 11 and be able to recite why a penis is the most important thing on Earth.”- Teacher Jack

(Above) “China needs government operated marriage markets. A man should be able to present his ID, select a bride age 12-14, get married, and sleep with his new wife within 30 minutes. Wealthier Chinese men ahould be allowed multiple brides.”-Teacher Jack

“I am an expert at root cause analysis. The solution to China’s population crisis is to lower the age of marriage to 12 years old. This means that Chinese girls should be preparing for marriage by age 10 and not be forced to take extra educational classes on weekends. I also know Chinese men. They love young girls and detest leftover women. This is the solution to the problem. Stop stressing out young girls to prepare them for university. No university can guarantee children and happiness. University changes girls into lesbians and single women who will regret their choice in their old age. Only children can guarantee happiness and this needs to be taught to young girls at an early age. My IQ is 135 and I am an expert at root cause analysis. I also have experienced this kind of marriage. My mother is much younger than my father and she married him at age 16. This means they dated when she was about 14. Together they produced five beautiful children for the US government.”- Teacher Jack

(Above) “Guaranteed happiness. An older and wealthier Chinese man should marry a 12-14 year old girl and begin making beautiful babies for the Chinese government immediately because without a strong workforce and military, China will fall to European powers and the Japanese. History has shown what British and French males want to do to young Chinese girls. They want to get Chinese girls addicted to drugs so that they can rape them at extremely young ages and force them into prostitution. The Japanese must never be allowed to set foot in China again.”- Teacher Jack

(Above) “Preparation for marriage at age 12 should begin about age 10. Girls should be taught how to wash clothes, cook, clean open a beer bottle, how to apply make up, how to walk in high heels, and how to make their husbands happy. “- Teacher Jack

(Above) Teacher Jack with a very young Chinese girl.


The content in the next section called ” How do you make a boy baby in China?” is not for children. If you do not like nudity or girls screaming then please skip this section. Thank you.

How do you make a boy baby in China?

Teacher Jack is an expert at making boy babies. His own father had four boys before he finally produced a girl. His older brother did the same. Teacher Jack and his family knows the secret to making boy babies. It requires that the man know his own birthday. From his own birthday add 5 months. This is the time one should create their boy baby. It it also works if you add 7 months or 9 months. The method is also important. Teacher Jack likes to take young Chinese girls from behind.

(Above) Teacher Jack gently deflowering a teen vigin with milk white skin, long black hair, a flat chest, a hairless vagina and Golden Lotus. “Follow my advice my brothers of China, make beautiful babies with tight young virgins now !”- Teacher Jack.

(Above) Teacher Jack is a demon in the bedroom. “My China brothers, you must be a demon in the bedroom and make more Chinese babies by force.”- Teacher Jack

(Above) Teacher Jack is a demon in the bedroom and takes a girl from Hong Kong (age 19) from behind. “This is how you make a boy baby, my Chinese brothers.”- Teacher Jack

(Above) Teacher Jack shows off his twelve inches of deep down cock. “No lesbian can substitute for my twelve inches deep down inside their vagina”- Teacher Jack

(Above) Young Chinese girls are happy to ride Teacher Jack’s twelve inches of pleasure. Yes, you too, can be happy like the teen girl above. Simply see Teacher Jack.

(Above) “I give them pain and pleasure”- Teacher Jack

(Above) Getting her ready.

(Above) Teacher Jack with a young teen virgin. She is exhausted from the hot sex. Note she has white skin, long black hair, a flat chest, a hairless vagina and the Golden Lotus. ” I put girls to sleep with wild, rough sex.”- Teacher Jack

(Above) Teacher Jack pounds a Guangdong nurse with a perfectly flat chest during the pandemic. The coronavirus could not stop Teacher Jack. Note Teacher Jack’s black leather coronavirus mask.

(Above) Teacher Jack engaged in foreplay. “Foreplay is the quiet before the storm. “-Teacher Jack

(Above) Teacher Jack pounds a teen girl with white skin, a hairless vagina, a flat chest and Golden Lotus. “This is what my Chinese brothers must do to save their country.”- Teacher Jack

(Above) Teacher Jack prepares his massive twelve inch sledgehammer for daughter destruction. ” Chinese boys and men must follow my example. Do not allow a girl to choose a single lifestyle without children and definitely do not allow women to run the country. Grab someone’s daughter by the hair and go to work in the bedroom. Make babies for China, immediately”- Teacher Jack

(Above) Teacher Jack is a superhero in the bedroom. “The man must dominate the girl in the bedroom and in the relationship. Follow my example, my Chinese brothers. Force the girls to have babies. Help me save China.”- Teacher Jack


What is the proof?

(Above) Proof that Teacher Jack’s family method is proven to produce boys. His father produced four boys before even producing one girl. Teacher Jack’s older brother did that too.

Teacher Jack’s sister who now resides in Louisiana, USA and is married to a retired homicide detective there.

The Ideal Chinese Wife

“I have lived and worked in China for over ten years and and know exactly what Chinese men desire in a marriage partner so I have defined the ideal Chinese wife. The ideal Chinese wife should be about 12- 14 years old with perfect white skin like milk. She should have a perfectly flat chest and hairless vagina. She should pout often but not nag. She should have long natural black hair. She should dress in JK cosplay school girl uniforms with long socks. Her panties should have strawberries on them. She should be obedient, but most of all, she should have perfect feet. The perfect feet should be small, white and with a pinkish hue at the bottom and around the heel. Her perfectly painted toes should be delicious. This is known in Chinese history as THE GOLDEN LOTUS and is much desired by Chinese men.”- Teacher Jack

(Above) THE GOLDEN LOTUS of the ideal Chinese wife.

(Above) Teacher Jack enjoys the Golden Lotus of young Chinese girls. “The youngest Chinese girls have toes that are delicious.”-Teacher Jack

(Above) “The dark skinned Chinese girls are highly attracted to me. I actually prefer them because they are more athletic and can actually do things instead of painting their faces and toes. However, I do not like Hong Kong toes and would never put them into my mouth.”- Teacher Jack

(Above) Teacher Jack holds onto the Golden Lotus to save his own life.

(Above) “The ideal Chinese wife should also be able to do a split and be healthy. I detest seeing lesbians with short hair who smoke and walk like a man. The ideal Chinese wife should have an elegant walk and jump rope often. She should have a collection of stuffed animals. She should please her husband.”- Teacher Jack

Actress age 18

How Should Chinese Girls be Treated?

“Chinese girls have gotten too comfortable with independence and are running wild in lesbian and single relationships without making a contribution to Chinese cuture. The women that are married are spending way too much of their husband’s money on online shopping. How should Chinese girls and women be treated? The American Cowboy way. Watch this short video my Chinese brothers and learn from it”- Teacher Jack.

(Above) “The American Cowboy way of treating women. Learn from this my Chinese brothers because it will save China.”- Teacher Jack

What should the Chinese government do?

“1) The Chinese government must recognize that the population problem is the single most important problem that it has and that action must be taken immediately. THIS IS AN EMERGENCY THAT DOES NOT REQUIRE LOVE TO FIX THE PROBLEM.” It requires loyalty to the CCP above one’s selfish desire to be a lesbian or live a single lifestyle. It requires a love for China above one’s self.”-Teacher Jack

2) Lower the age of marriage immediately to 12 years old. China’s grandparents must have the option to arrange marriages for their grandchildren. Do not wait for love. “I disliked all my wives eventually, but they gave me wonderful children and for that, I loved them.”- Teacher Jack

3) Make it mandatory for every Chinese girl to be married and have one baby BEFORE she attends university or any postgraduate training. Girls without marriage or a baby by twenty will begin paying a shameful Lesbian Tax. This means their family must pay 8000 rmb per year to the CCP until they are married or have a baby. A tax that will rise dramatically each year.

Tomboy lesbians roasting in hot flames. Their screams are delightful music to Teacher Jack.

4) Criminalize lesbian relationships. Lesbians are the biggest enemy of the Chinese Communist Party. They should be rounded up and then set on fire at Tiananmen Square because they are destroying China from within by openly displaying a contempt for marriage with a man and by not making babies for the CCP. Even worse, they hold hands and kiss in full view of children. China cannot afford to teach its children that homosexuality is attractive. The time to make beautiful Chinese babies is now ! We must set short haired lesbians ( tomboys) on fire at Tiananmen Square during Spring Festival at 8:00 pm and show it on CCTV with a fireworks celebration. Let Chinese children view this instead. Furthermore, any man who reports a lesbian relationship shall be given the pleasure of impregnating both on social media. This will be known in history as The Great Purge of Lesbians.

(Above) The Fertility Police Force will arrest lesbians and set them on fire. They will swipe the insides of girls’ mouths with a cotton swab to look for vaginal hair, fish breath, or menstural blood. They will conduct random police raids to search for strap-on-dildos and other lesbian products that destroy the CCP from within like a cancer.

5) Every senior high school class should have a KTV and love hotel and bar. They should have classes in the morning and then play in the KTV with love hotel in the afternoon. Senior high school students should sleep in boy and girl mixed dormatories. This will guarantee babies for the CCP.

6) Teach Chinese girls that having a successful career is worthless without having children first. Teach them that a single woman without children is not only shameful but a traitor to China and the CCP because she made China weaker by not having children.

7) Provide free housing to couples that will have babies. Many young men fear having children because the cost of rent is too high. The government should make it very easy for young people to live and work if they are planning a baby together. ****”History has shown that if the cost of living is low, couples will birth more babies.”-Teacher Jack****

Actress age 18

“What I see alarms me. Lesbians are holding hands in public in front of children. Young men are falling to alcoholism because they cannot have the 12-14 year old girls that they desire. Young girls with careers do not want children. Young men with careers are afraid to have children because the cost of living is too high. This must end immediately. “- Teacher Jack

(Above) Teacher Jack wih a young girl on Tiger Beach in Dalian, China

“Follow my simple steps and the population crisis will end swiftly. I am already teaching my son to include girls as his friends. He will make many babies for China in the future. I do not want to see even one girl without a baby in China.”-Teacher Jack

(Above) Teacher Jack’s baby boy. “Having my Chinese son was the happiest day of my life. I wish this happiness for all the young men of China.”- Teacher Jack

(Above) “There sould be zero confusion for young girls in China because it is a question of loyalty to the CCP. Lesbians are disloyal. They are the enemy. They will never make babies for China.”- Teacher Jack


All Chinese girls should be required to carry THE LITTLE PINK BOOK. Inside this book, the girls will be shown why lesbians and single women without children are disloyal Chinese citizens and the enemy of the CCP. The book should teach girls how to be the ideal Chinese wife and how to acquire the Golden Lotus. It should teach girls how to be disireable to Chinese men and how children are made. It should teach them how to care for their vaginas during menstruation and teach the importance of eating alkaline foods to have a fragrant vagina. China girls must be made to carry this book at all times or face a penalty.

New Chinese Cultural Renaissance

This lowering of the age of marriage and putting the importance of the Chinese family above a career is just a small part of what Teacher Jack calls a New Chinese Cultural Ranaissance. It is a greater leap forward that will guarantee that China becomes the dominate country on Earth and superior to all others. “Chinese history has shown that one cannot leap forward without suffering. I ,too, have a daughter and it would be difficult for me to accept that she marries at age 12, but if the country that I loved depended on it, then I would choose to do it because the Chinese Communist Party is more important than any single individual.”- Teacher Jack. Here is what the New Chinese Cultural Renaissance should include:

1) The People of China must prioritize making babies and put their family above their careers. Young girls must wear traditional Chinese clothing and must carry their Little Pink Books and be married from ages 12-14.

(Above) The ideal Chinese girl student carries her Little Pink Book, is ready for marriage at ages 12-14, and hates lesbians and single women. She is ready for marriage and can cook, clean, massage, and please her new husband regardless of their age. She knows that a career is secondary and that making a baby is her primary purpose on Earth. She wears traditional Chinese clothes and has the Golden Lotus. She is loyal to the CCP and will make a baby with anyone to prove her loyalty.

2) The People of China must end open lesbian relationships and begin the Great Purge of Lesbians, a fireshow at Tiananmen Square that eliminates these traitors of the CCP.

3) The People of China must create traditional Chinese architecture and no more modern buildings that look like Europe or the USA. This style of achitecture should be built wherever Chinese people go so that the world recognizes that this is the property of the new masters of planet Earth.

(Above) This is exactly what every major city in China should look like. The rest of the world should desire to copy China’s superior architecture and traditional style. Every China embassy should also look like this. This New Cultural Revolution will save China from the destruction of the Chinese family that the White Ape has accomplished. The CCP is first, the family with many children is second, and education with a career is last.

4) The People of China must spread Chinese language and culture all over the world and replace spoken English with spoken Chinese around the world.

5) The People of China must make the Yuan the most popular currency in the world and completely abandon the US dollar in the next ten years.

6) The People of China must invest heavily in Artificial Intelligence because whoever masters AI will rule the world in the future.

7) The People of China must avoid war with the USA. The way to do this is to build massive construction projects together. When two powerful nations build things together it is much more constructive than war. The last great global engineering project is a bridge across the Bering Strait. If the USA begins building this bridge from Alaska and China and Russia begin building this bridge from Siberia then the three nations will meet in the middle and have a bridge to ship goods and services quickly. One could drive from the USA to England. This project would bring the three nations together instead of into a conflict. Imagine the tourism that would result from such a bridge.

8) Eventually, the People of China must take back the frozen land to the north from Russia. China will need the resources there because this land will eventually defrost and reveal vast deposits of oil, gold, diamonds and many other natural resources. However, there is another larger reason. This reason is that Russia’s ruling class are White Apes that originated from Scandinavia. This means they are greedy and want more land than they need. They are currently in the process of stealing Ukraine and at some point in the future, Russia will look to see which parts of China they can steal, for that is the awful nature of the White Ape. (see below) “I know exactly how they think because I am one of them.”- Teacher Jack

Beware of the White man: The White Ape

China must build modern buildings to look like Chinese traditional architecture like shown (above) in Wangfujing in Beijing. Do not copy the White man’s architecture because he does not own China. Do not allow the White man to put his stamp on Chinese culture. This is because of the very nature of the White man and the secret history of the world. It has been proven by DNA analysis that the White race of people originated from 15 outcast albino Africans. These Albinos multiplied through incest in the caves of Europe. They had sex with animals as often as each other.They were violent disgusting creatures that were contantly fighting each other, while the great civilazaions of colored people flourished.

Suprisingly, these White apes evolved and stole the great ship building techniques of Carthage to dominate Europe. The early cities in Europe were absolutely disgusting and lacked any sewage system, so people threw their excrement out onto the streets. The stentch of these cities was so foul that perfume was invented so that Whites could walk around their own cities without fainting.

(Above) The high heeled shoe was invented so that White Europeans could step over mountains of human excrement in the streets of Europe. This excrement caused plague that killed 50% of White Europeans eventually, but the survivors had developed a resistance to it. They carried their filth to America and it killed most Native Americans just by breathing on them or shaking their hands. A truly disgusting race of people.

(Above) The Black race of people are the only true humans and possess 0% Neanderthal DNA. Whites and Asians have the most Neanderthal DNA and display more animalistic behavior.

(Above) The Moors of Africa civilized the White race in Europe and introduced math, science and a sewage system. Whites around the world are eager to forget this fact and it is forbidden in US History books.

(Above) The Moors taught the White race how to be clean, how to use sewage systems and not defecate in the streets, how women should clean their vaginas, in additon to math and science. Most importantly, they taught them why offspring through incest is morally wrong.

The Moors from Africa civilized the White race in Europe, but the White man could not rid himself of thousands of years of incest and beastiality so the White race, even today, is in a constant state of war and mental illness. Most child molesters in the USA are White males. Most pedophiles in Asia are White males. Most mass shootings in the USA are done by White males. Now, President Donald Trump created the Space Force to bring his racial war into space and claim the moon and beyond for Whites. The White man is ashamed of his own history, so the White man tries to erase the history of colored people around the world and claim their technological advancements as his own. For example, the printing press was an achievement that Whites in Germany claim as their own, yet the first printed book was the Diamond Sutra in China in 868 A.D. . However, the White race of people still claim this invention as their own. They are jealous of China’s 5000 year old history. They are jealous that China was able to achieve so much without the use of Black African slaves. The White man wants to erase Chinese history, and claim the invention of gun powder as his own, and teach Chinese children that they are inferior to Whites, the same method that was used against Native Americans, African Americans and in India during British rule. Do not trust the White ape, a race that multiplied through incest, murdered to steal land, and altered history.

(Above) The White race multiplied through incest and , therefore, has a variety of health issues such as asthma and allergies. They lack rhythmic ability, are violent, emotionally unstable, engage in incest, engage in pedophilia, are mass murderers, and have sex with animals, especially dogs.

(Above) It is a map of every battle fought on Earth. The White race of people has caused the most war and destruction on Earth and now Russia has invaded Ukraine. But causing war to steal land is the least of their offenses. Many White males still engage in incest with their daughters. Father/Daughter porn is extremely popular in the USA. Most disturbing is White people’s obsession with animal sex.

(Above) White people love dog porn , child porn, and incest because they lived in caves in Europe and multiplied through incest. “It is the duty of China to civilize the White race of people.”-Teacher Jack

(Above) The high watermark of the White Ape was his declaration of racial superiority and his attempt to eliminate all Chinese, Indian and African history and people. The White Ape began by exterminating Jews because Jewish history is well documented and non-White. The White Ape sent out teams of archeologists around the Earth to look for clues of the origins of the superior White Ape. They found none, of course, because their origin is well known in Africa and is in their own genetics. They are outcast albino Africans that multiplied through incest and, as a consequence, lack rhythmic ability and have a varitey of mental health issues.

(Above)” Racism in the USA protected Jeffrey Dahmer for ten years while he picked up Black and Asian gay men from a gay bar and took them back to his home where he raped, murdered and ate them. The White police force believed every word that Jeffrey spoke and refused to listen to the gay Black men who were badly beaten by him. The absolute worst case was a 14 year old Thai boy who was badly beaten and bloody and was sitting on a curb naked. The police did not arrest Jeffrey Dahmer when they arrived. Even today, when White police in the USA arrive at a potential crime scene, they speak calmly to the Whites first as the non-Whites are placed in handcuffs. They will listen carefully to every word that Whites say and consider it to be true. Then they barely listen to the non-Whites in handcuffs. Jeffrey Dahmer actually convinced the police that the bloody and naked Thai boy was in his care. When the minor went back to Jeffrey’s home, he was beaten , raped and eaten alive. This is the nature of the White Ape. This behavior is in the White Ape’s DNA from thousands of years of incest and beastiality while living in the caves of Europe. Do not trust the White Ape in the USA or Europe, especially the police.”- Teacher Jack

The most hated White people on Earth: The Sami People

You can read any internet article written by Whites and they all claim that the happiest and most beautiful countries to live on Earth are in are Norway, Sweden, Demark, and Finland. They are so quiet and the scenery is amazing. Yes, they are quiet. Too quiet. This is because they are hiding a secret: The Sami people. These people are the indigenous people of Scandinavia and have lived there before 10,000 BC. They live in tents that look like Teepees and dress like Native Americans. They live off the land. They are very poor and primitive. They birthed the modern White race when Asians bred with the Abino Apes of Europe. Modern Whites hate them because they are living proof of the disgusting origin of modern Whites. They are the victims of discrimination in Scandinavia and Russia. The Whites living in Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Finalnd and Russia call them Lapps. A Lapp is a poor White Nigger. They are being raped and killed for pleasure in “the happiest and most beautiful countries to live on Earth”. Modern Whites have stripped them naked and performed detailed DNA analysis on them, sometimes at gunpoint, in the hopes of proving that they are not related to them. They do this because they are ashamed of their incest origins. They are ahamed that Asians breeded with White albino people to produce the Sami people and that the modern White race comes from the Sami people.

(Above) In her face, one can see the Albino Negroid from Africa, the Asian mix, and the birth of the modern White race. Sami girls in Norway are raped and killed by drunken Norwegian men for amusement. They cannot be arrested for this. They do this because they hate Sami people. They hate them because the Sami people remind them of their primitive past in a time where they multiplied through incest, had sex with animals, and bred with Asians. Eventually, Scandinavians will attempt to kill them all to hide the disgraceful origins of the White race,

“If there is one thing that the people of China can learn from me, it is this: Do not trust the USA because it has a history of destroying non-White people while claiming it loves everyone. It has over 700 military bases around the world in an attempt to control all people of color and anybody who stands in their racist way of life.”- Teacher Jack. And now let’s talk about White Russia. These greedy White Russian pigs stole all the land of Siberia from Native Mongolians and ethnic Chinese after murdering them. Yet they have a population of only 147 million compared to China’s 1 and a half billion people. Russians are so greedy that they even stole back the land of Crimea and invaded Ukraine. All of the land to the North of Mongolia and China belongs to China and Mongolia. Eventually, China must invade this region and take back the unlimited resources that were stolen from the ethnic Chinese that once lived there because China will need these resources in the future and White Russia is in a severe population decline. The ideal scenerio is for Russia to lose a conflict with Western Europe which would seriously diminish its military and then for China to invade this region. The region will be called New China. The invasion should be in coordination with the armies of Mongolia and Kazakstan for maximum results. I would be extremely proud if my son led this invasion in the future. The captured White Russian men should be used as slaves in China. The captured White Russian women should be forced to make babies for China.

(Above) The tiny White population of Russia cannot possibly keep the wealth of Siberia. China must invade when Russia is at its weakest point at sometime in the future. This is yet another reason that China must increase its birth rate now. However, for now, Russia is China’s best friend and together they should defeat the USA with the aid of BRICS nations and BRICS currency. Then China can take the vital Spratly Islands,

(Above) China must take all of Siberia from Russia in the future.

China must not waste a single woman. All available leftover women must go to Africa and breed with African men to create a new race of loyal Chinese citizen that will be used for the military and Olympic games. China has many gold medals but will never dominate running, jumping or basketball. These breeding factories in Africa will produce the Chinika Citizen Soldier:

They will be a beautiful race of half Chinese and half African soldiers and will be the shock troops to invade Russia and the winners of many gold medals in the Olympic games for China. What is the proof? The USA. The USA became rich from using Black slaves and became even richer by using Black labor and Black’s inventions. The entire Hip-hop genre of music and dance is from Black Americans. Most Olympic gold medals for running and basketball are won by Black Americans, yet the White ruling class still views them as inferior. China also needs Black citizens to mix Hip-hop and Soul with traditional Chinese music. Imagine what beautiful music that would make. Imagine the money to be made exporting such a product. Billions !

“Africa has everything that China needs to be the Global Empire that dominates Earth. China must add diversity to its gene pool to create super athletic Chinika Citizen Soldiers for the invasian of Russia and to dominate the Olympic games.”-Teacher Jack. Once Russia has been conquered, then Chinese men can breed with the captured White Russian female slaves by force.

(Above) Young captured Russian girls can be forced to breed with Chinese men at their leisure.

(Above and Below) The youngest Russian girls can do housework for Chinese families while dressed as rabbits

(Above) A Russian slave girl this young should only be used to do household chores for Chinese families. “Remember, the goal is not to eliminate the White Apes, but to teach them humility so that they will eventually be able to coexist with other races and not cause war and steal natural resources.”-Teacher Jack

(Above) Russian girls past the age of first menstruation should be chained around the neck and forced to breed with their male Chinese masters.

(Above) This is the way that forced breeding of Russian girls should be accomplished. Hands tied behind the back, face down in the pillow and ass up in the air.

“My ex-wife was Russian and is now a millionaire in the USA and a full citizen there. These girls are beautiful and smart, but greedy. They would make ideal slaves for the New Chinese population in Siberia (New China).”- Teacher Jack

(Above) Russian girls past first menstruation will be deep throated and then prepared for sodomy to entertain their Chinese masters.

(Above) Russian girls will be marked “Property of China” and be forced to do sexual acts in exchange for food and water,

(Above) Captured Russian girls will be forced to breed with Chinese men at their convenience. They will be marked with the symbol of China.

(Above) White Russian males will also be slaves that will work in the opium fields and farms of China. Their slave drivers will be African men loyal to China.

“I wish no harm to the White Apes, however, the human race can only leap forward with great suffering as history has proven. The long term goal of China is to completely subdue the awful White race of people, civilize them, and then live together in peace and harmony, eventually. Remember that always, the ultimate goal is to make the White Apes learn their own shameful origins, humiliate them by enslaving them, and then allowing them to have their own nations where they will live in peace and harmony with nature and with the other races of the world.”-Teacher Jack. Teacher Jack then warns, “We cannot allow the White Ape to continue on the path of global destruction that he is on. The White Ape wants China’s history, China’s culture, China’s women, China’s land and he will stop at nothing to get all of it, and then want more, for that is the awful nature of the White Ape.”

The Secret History of the World

The center of world culture was Atlantis an its exact location was where the Greek Philosopher, Plato, said it was. It was located at the Richat Structure in Mauritania.

Atlantis had advaced mathematics, astronomy, science and other non physical sciences. The kings of Atlantis were the Annunaki from planet Nibiru who collected gold from Earth to be used in the atmosphere of their home planet to save it from destruction. Thoth the Atlantean was the most important Annunaki king who also founded Egypt and a few other civilizations on Earth.

(Above) As a general rule, any place where there were pyraminds, Thoth the Atlantean was there collecting gold. Thoth wrote The Emerald Tablets and the Christian bible and Jewish Torah borrowed heavily from his writings. The Greeks called him Poseidon.

The Sahara desert was not a desert at that point. It was a jungle like the Amazon rainforest until an asteroid impact in Greenland sent a tsumani toward Africa that pushed the Atlantic Ocean upward onto the continent and destroyed Atlantis. The knowledge of Atlantis was passsed to the Egyptians, who were also ruled by Annunaki pharaohs. and who knew that Earth had been destroyed five times prior by floods, asteroids and sudden changes in the polarity of Earth. During this period, the outcast White Albinos from Africa multiplied in the caves of Europe through incest. They had sex with animals as much as their own offspring. These inbred people lacked any rhythm and grunted to communicate. Suprisingly, the White apes evolved into the Greek Empire after breeding with Asians to produce the Sami people who later became the modern White race. The Greek empire that had homosexualiy between men and boys at the center of its structure. The Greeks stole the knowledge of the Atlanteans and Egyptians and later birthed the Roman Empire. The Roman empire stole the ship building technology of Carthage and eventually contributed to the rise of the USA.

(Above) The coins of the White Ape have changed very little since breeding with Asians to produce the Sami people of Scandinavia, who birthed the modern White race.

All the knowledge that these Greek and Roman civilizations acquired came from Atlantis in Africa. Today’s White Ape is still similar to its beginnings. White males simply can’t dance because they are inbred and lack any rhythmic ability. White Russians and Americans love dog porn and child porn. They are both greedy and steal more land then they need from people of color. They are mentally ill and cause war. They engage in homosexual relationships. White males have sex with their own daughters in the USA. Most pedophiles and child molesters in the USA are White males. The White Ape must not be allowed to dominate Earth. He has erased the great past of Atlantis and old Egypt because the White ape is ashamed of being birthed through incest in caves during this time. The White Ape has created a false history book that credits himself as civilized. The White ape continues to steal the resources of Africa and cause Africans to fight each other because he doesn’t want to be ruled by colored people again and his greatest fear is to be exposed before for the world for what he is, inbred swine.

(Above) A woman from Atlantis stands at the Richat Stucture or “Eye of Africa”. The descendants of Atlantis are the nomads of North Africa and ancient Egyptians. Atlantis was only one of the major cities on Earth tasked with collecting gold for the Annunaki, the creators of the human race.

(Above) 450,000 years ago, the Annunaki came to Earth to mine gold but the task was too great, so they created Adamu, the first man, to mine gold to be used in the atmosphere of their home planet in order to save themselves from destruction. Adamu was created about 200,000 years ago in a place called Edin and the Annunaki took out chromosome number two of the human DNA, fused it together, and added telomere caps on both ends that decay to reduce the lifespan of humans from about 1000 years to about 100 years to reduce the chance of revolt. The human race continues to multiply and mine gold even today. The Annunaki will return to collect this gold in the future, if needed. However, if the Annunaki found another way to solve their problem, or if their home planet is already destroyed, then they may never return. The cuniform tablets of Sumer are a record of their arrival and they are undisputed fact. Regardless of whether the Annuaki return or not, the human race will forever fight over gold because this is what we were designed to do.

(Above) After Atlantis was destroyed the surivors were defeated by the White Apes near Greece. Their technology was used to begin the Greek empire. This event along with the golbal cataclysm that destroyed Atlantis marked the beginning of the rise of the White Ape and was a sad day for planet Earth.

(Above) The White Ape killed the remaining Atlanteans in a fierce battle near Greece. Later, the Greek Empire would begin. The Greek Empire was an empire based on homosexuality between old men and young boys as knowledge was passed down from one to the other in bed after homosexual sodomy.

The Biggest Threat to Earth’s Human Population:

The biggest threat to Earth’s human population is medication designed to lengthen telemere caps of human DNA. It is being reseached and develped now and soon humans will be able to expand their lives by 50 years. By the end of this 50 years, the anti-aging technology will have advanced to allow them to live an additional 100 years and by then end of the 100 years, humans will be able to live indefinitely, provided they are not killed by war, disease, or accidents. Who will inherit the Earth then?

(Above) Teacher Jack teaching his son the secret history of the world and how it has been destroyed five times, the rise of the White apes, and the Annunaki from planet Nibiru who created mankind.