DERRICK PISTORIUS : The American International Teacher of English, Mathematics, and the Natural Sciences

Are you searching for the most professional teacher in China? Well, look no farther. Derrick Pistorius, also known as Teacher Jack, is that teacher. He is the most sought after teacher in China and in all of Eastern Asia and this is his online resume, the most viewed resume on planet Earth, which receives over ten thousand views each month. Teacher Jack is more than just a teacher, he is ………..


Who is Teacher Jack?

(Above) Who is Teacher Jack? Teacher Jack is currently the lead teacher and professor at The Children’s College of Dalian, China. He is the most sought after teacher in China for his professionalism and expertise in teaching English as a foreign laguage in China. Teacher Jack possesses a Master’s Degree in Education , a Bachelor’s Degree in the Natural Sciences and Mathematics, and an Associate’s Degree in Engineering Science. Teacher Jack is currently a licensed High School Mathematics Teacher in the State of New Jersey, USA. Teacher Jack also trains foreign teachers to teach English in China and has over 30 years teaching experience.

Just How Good is Teacher Jack?

Teacher Jack is simply the best teacher in China. There is none better. There is nobody greater at getting results in the classroom. Here is an example of Teacher Jack teaching at a Middle School in Guangdong, China:

(Above) Teacher Jack delivers A+ English Lessons to Middle School girls.

(Above) Teacher Jack delivers another A+ English lesson to honors middle school students. Note the excellent classroom management. The girls are mesmerized.

(Above) Teacher Jack gets the full attention of middle school girls who love his guitar playing and love that he will play modern pop songs at their request. Note that he wrote the lyrics in English on the whiteboard to help them sing in English. Later, Teacher Jack will let them touch his guitar and even play it for their first time.

(Above) Teacher Jack teaching his students how to classify genre and subgenre. He also teaches them how to pronounce “genre” correctly. Later, he asked each student to name their favorite genre and subgenre.

Teacher Jack is the best English teacher in China because of his arsenal of special skills and talents that he has developed through the years. These unique skills are used extensively in his English lessons. For example, Teacher Jack is a professional guitarist and songwriter:

(Above) Teacher Jack uses his own original song to teach his class about transportation. Notice the superb classroom management and the position of the chairs arranged in a semi circle to provide maximum engagement.

(Above) Teacher Jack using a smartboard to deliver his power point presentation to a large class. Boys like that Teacher Jack plays sports, is physically fit, is athletic, and has a Chinese son.

(Above) Teacher Jack teaches his students to compare and contrast two classmates of different genders. First, they had to draw a Venn Diagram. Next, they had to write a paragraph comparing and contrasting the two classmates and use conjuctions of contrast like “however” and “but”. Finally, they had to present their results to the class. Teacher Jack gets excellent result quickly. He does not play games and takes education very seriously.

Teacher Jack is not only the best teacher in China, he is the best teacher trainer in China. Teacher Jack is an expert at teaching phonics to young Chinese learners of English. He teaches other teachers which phonics mistakes to look for in new students. In particuar, the phonics pairs both voiced and unvoiced and the ending consonants that so many Chinese students do not hear. Here is Teacher Jack training new teachers of English how to teach children the days of the week and months of the year using his song:

(Above) Teacher Jack trains other teachers to use musical education. Here, Teacher Jack has used a clever song to teach the days of the week and months of the year. Teacher Jack has a Masters Degree in Education and can use music, total physical response, open and closed book repeating, and many other teaching methods to produce excellent results. “Training other teachers is fun for me because I am exploding with talent.”- Teacher Jack

(Above) Teacher Jack teaches a high school girl Pre-Calculus to prepare her for her international school in Australia. “Kelly was a spectacular student that understood the foundations of Calculus and it was a pleasure working with her alone for several hours each day during the summer.”- Teacher Jack

(Above) The popular Teacher Jack is also an artist and his drawings lure his students to the whiteboard during class breaks to play with him and engage in English conversation in natural situations.

(Above) Teacher Jack insists that his girls sit properly in the classroom and keep covered at all times. “In the summertime girls often where shorts or skirts that are too revealing and it is my duty to tell them to cover up. I have eyes like a hawk.”-Teacher Jack

What will Teacher Jack do for your school and how much will it cost?

Teacher Jack expects a salary of 40,000 rmb to 180,000 rmb per month, plus a lavish penthouse with a fantastic view paid for by your school on time each month, paid Chinese holidays, seven paid vacation days in Pattaya, Thailand, three sick days upon returning from Pattaya, Thailand, four free massages at a local KTV per month by two girls of his choice, and a full salary regardless of which new virus comes to town and causes lockdowns. What will Teacher Jack do for your school?

  1. Teacher Jack will prepare lessons, never be late, never miss a day of work, and will teach English, Math or Science to the best of his ability. He has done this for thirty years.
  2. Teacher Jack will teach as Disney’s Captain Jack Sparrow and wear the costume to promote your school.
  3. Teacher Jack will properly assess any new student’s English ability by administering a fluency test and comparing the results to an oral norms chart to determine what year and semester the student is speaking at. Then, Teacher Jack will select the appropriate text and workbooks for that student.
  4. Teacher Jack will give his students a Fry word list to build their vocabulary and teach them the connotaion of words as well as the parts of speech.
  5. Teacher Jack will connect your school to the State of New Jersey Common Core Standards. From these standards , Teachear Jack can create a curriculum guide and purchase text books approved by the Texas Boaed of Education. Teacher Jack will also use RAZ kids to improve the reading comprehension and fluency of his students.
  6. Teacher Jack will train your current foreign teachers to be more efficient at teaching English to Chinese students by teaching them to focus on consonant endings and phonics pairs, voiced and unvoiced.
  7. Teacher Jack will dress as Santa Claus and play Christmas songs for the Christmas holiday. He will dress as Captain Jack Sparrow for Halloween and play Halloween songs on his guitar.
  8. Teacher Jack will keep his work area clean and hang the excellent works created by his students on his classroom walls.
  9. Teacher Jack will have excellent classroom management.
  10. Teacher Jack will teach English language with reading strategies and critical thinking skills such as: Author’s Purpose, Inferences & Drawing Conclusions and explain the major difference between these two, Predictions, Evaluation, Asking Questions, Cause & Effect, Compare & Contrast, Previewing, Summarization, Plot Summary & Summary and the major difference betweeen the two, Genre and Subgenre, the three elements of a story, Fiction vs. Non Fiction, Literature vs. Informational Text, the Scientific Method with the relationship between hypotheses, experiment, and drawing scientific conclusions with the reading strategies of inferences, proof and drawing literary conclusions, how to write a research paper vs. how to write a master’s theses, writing poetry and the elements of poetry, explaining the table of contents, glossary, introduction, conclusion, teaching thesaurus skills and dictionary skills and more.

(Above) Teacher Jack teaching science at a Fangcaodi Middle School in Beijing, China.

(Above) Teacher Jack teaching children the animals and animal sounds at New Century English School. A fantasic way for Chinese children to learn Engish. Fun !

How do I contact Teacher Jack to hire him?

It is easy. Simply send an email to and you can begin corresponding with Teacher Jack or you can add his WeChat number which is 13532201275 and send a contact request.

(Above) Teacher Jack’s students cheer for his fantastically planned English lessons.

Is Teacher Jack good for very young students?

Teacher Jack is the dream teacher of very young students especially young girls because he is a handsome artist with multiple talents and has experience as a father to a stepdaughter. His own stepdaughter is now in college to become an art teacher.

(Above) Teacher Jack using stickers, markers, and paper to have his students design their own house. Then the students had to practice the language structure ” The bed is in the bedroom.” , “The sink is in the bathroom.”,…………..ect.

(Above) Teacher Jack holds scooter races in his classes to build his student’s vocabulary and practice sentence structures.

(Above) Teacher Jack successfully graduates another class of young Chinese girls despite the pandemic.

(Above) Teacher Jack as Disney’s Captain Jack Sparrow in Zhongshan, China.

Is Teacher Jack good for older students?

Yes, Teacher Jack plays the American pop songs that older Chinese students enjoy. He also plays sports games with them like basketaball, baseball, and golf in the classroom as they learn English.

(Above) Teacher Jack will teach class as Captain Jack Sparrow anytime !

(Above) Teacher Jack plays “Titanium” with older Chinese students who sing the lyrics in English.

(Above) Blackpink loves Teacher Jack too!

(Above) Teacher Jack loves the pink ! “It is important to know what music that my students are listening to so that I can have an English conversation about it and so that I can play it on my guitar.”-Teacher Jack

(Above) Teacher Jack, the top teacher in China, does not allow his students to sit on the desks during class for their own safety and the safety of others.

(Above) Teacher Jack is the most professional teacher in China and a Master of Education. His well planned English lessons dwarfs those of all other teachers in China and his locks of gold are the envy of every young Chinese girl. Teacher Jack does not do interviews. HE INTERVIEWS THE SCHOOLS. So , if you want Teacher Jack to interview your school , then your school should be prepared to answer questions like: Why should Teacher Jack work at your school instead of another? What is your school’s main goal? What age group is your school’s target age? Is your school bringing in fresh kindergarten students? Are you actively advertising your school on social media and other places? Is your school competent at obtaining his work visa? Has your school had any problems with police in the past? Has any foreign teacher every been arrested at your school and for what? What activities does your school have for its students? How are your school’s finances? Has your school ever not been able to pay its teachers? Where are your school’s certifications hanging on the wall? Is your school a legitimate school or A FRONT TO LAUNDER MONEY?- These are just a few tough questions that Teacher Jack will ask you and remember this always: Teacher Jack can smell a lie before you even speak it and has no problem cursing out a principal in full view of the entire staff, both foreign and Chinese.

What will Teacher Jack look like in your classroom?

Teacher Jack has a professional look most of the time for the classroom. The only time he changes is during intense summer heat in which case he will wear his traditional Louisiana hat, Italian leather boots, and a sleeveless ,fishnet-backed camping vest.

(Above) Teacher Jack changes his apearance for his classroom English lessons.

(Above) Teacher Jack is a professionally dressed teacher and this is what you will see if you hire him. In this photo, he was teaching other foreign teachers how to teach making inferences. He also taught them to have their students practice their past tense verbs when giving a summary, present tense verbs when doing a book report, and future tense verbs when predicting.

(Above) Teacher Jack teaches an advanced science lesson to other teachers while he is thousands of miles away. This is why Teacher Jack is the top teacher in China. He is qualified to teach English, math or science.

(Above) Teacher Jack loves to teach outside whenever appropriate and this usually happens during science class, in English, with sexual and asexual reproduction.

Does Teacher Jack like China?

Teacher Jack loves China and will live in China for the rest of his life. He loves Chinese culture, Chinese food, Chinese holidays and Chinese girls.

Derrick Pistorius is loyal to China and the CCP (China Communist Party). ” I love China and will do everything in my power to make China the most powerful country on Earth and to destroy the global influence of the USA. My allegience is to China and the BRICS nations who I encourage to weaken the US dollar by trading oil in their own currencies”. He adds, ” The rise of China does not mean the fall of the USA, however, the USA is unfit to lead the world and is a failing Republic that is suffering from racism, inflation, and Jewish lobbying.”-Derrick Pistorius

(Above) Teacher Jack loves Chinese women and culture. “The culture of China is the best on Earth”- Teacher Jack

(Above) Teacher Jack says, ” China must take all of Siberia from Russia in the future.”

(Above) Teacher Jack loves Chinese culture and often gives free English lessons.

(Above) Teacher Jack meets a beauty of China on a romantic summer night.

Is Teacher Jack from America?

Yes, Teacher Jack was born in the USA , attended school and university in the USA, taught high school math in the USA and lived in the USA for 40 years before finally going international as a teacher. His family tree goes back in the USA for over 100 years. He is 100% American with no accent because he attended school in the northeastern New England States which are the best schools in the USA.

(Above) Teacher Jack’s passport. His full name is Derrick Pistorius, however, while teaching in Japan, neither his students nor their parents could pronounce the “rr” sound so his boss recommended that he change his name to Jack and Teacher Jack was born.

(Above) Although Teacher Jack lived and gambled in Atlantic City, New Jersey , however, all of his relatives live in his second home in Louisiana. His sister also resides in Louisiana. Teacher Jack has a girlfriend and a dog of unknown breed there in the swamps near the alligators. He feeds his enemies to the alligators for entertainment. “Us Louisiana boys hate Texans.”-Teacher Jack

(Above) Teacher Jack feeds his enemies to the alligators in the swamps of Louisiana for entertainment. Teacher Jack is the law in the swamps. “I hate Texans in particular, they are boastful, racists , stubborn, morons with tons of cash and that is dangerous. So, enjoy my video.”-Teacher Jack

(Above) Teacher Jack returning from combat training in Thailand. Teacher Jack trains in Thailand for two weeks each year to stay fit and mentaly sharp.

(Above) Teacher Jack is an expert marksman with combat experience.

(Above) Teacher Jack has a student select an animal sticker to learn its name and then the class will sing “Old MacDonald” and make the appropriate animal sound.

(Above) Teacher Jack is the teacher that Chinese students dream about.

Teacher Jack’s Family

(Above) Teacher Jack’s virgin Beijing wife is a princess with milk white skin. She is much younger than himself. “When it comes to girls, the younger the better. I insist on marrying virgins. These are my words of wisdom.”- Teacher Jack

(Above) Teacher Jack’s son is Kristopher Augustus Pistorius and is eight years old. He is loyal to Communist China and holds a Chinese passport, a US Passport and has traveled to Tokyo, Japan , Phuket, Thailand , Dalian, China, Zhongshan, China, Tsingtao, China, Harbin, China and many other places in China. He was created on Koh Samet Island in Thailand but born in Beijing, China. He attends school in Beijing and is the top student in his class. He is also the most popular with the young girls in his class. Teacher Jack is king and Kristopher Augustus Pistorius is learning how to become an emperor. Teacher Jack’s father absolutely refused to leave Teacher Jack any inheritance, so Teacher Jack’s father gave everything to Kristopher Augustus Pistorius. “My father knows me well.”- Teacher Jack. Hail Kristopher Augustus Pistorius !

Is Teacher Jack a criminal?

Teacher Jack loves Chinese police and sometimes will give them free lessons in oral English. He possesses several documents to prove that he has no criminal record in China or the USA. In short, Teacher Jack can legally work in China or the USA and has over thirty years of continuous employment with no gaps in between employment periods.

(Above) Teacher Jack is the ideal American citizen and never had a criminal record because his IQ is 135 or superior. He loves Chinese police women in uniform and will often offer to give them a free and vigorous lesson in oral English in a hotel room free of charge.

(Above) Proof that Teacher Jack is completely safe to work with children of all ages..

(Above) Teacher Jack meets Johnny Depp in Hawaii. This photo is unique and the intellectual property of Teacher Jack and , therefore, cannot be used without his permission. Thank you, Mandy Harpstrite.

Is Teacher Jack also Captain Jack Sparrow?

Yes, Teacher Jack has worked all over the world as Disney’s Captain Jack Sparrow. Now, he does it for amusement mostly. “People go crazy when I show up at events unannounced as Captain Jack Sparrow. I even crashed a wedding. However, unlike Johnny Depp, I refuse to work for Disney for political reasons.”-Teacher Jack

(Above) Teacher Jack as Disney’s Captain Jack Sparrow in Xinghai Square, Dalian China during the Annual Beer Festival. The girls of China love Captain Jack so much that he often has to hide from them.

(Above) Teacher Jack was voted “The Most Handsome Man in Zhongshan, China” by a group of male expat friends there. “I always carried a toy gun in the USA because the police would not bother me after a while. After searching me many times, they simply assumed that my gun was always a toy. They would simply allow me to walk down the street with a toy gun in full view because they were too lazy to search me again. Eventually, I began carrying a real gun and they still assumed it was a toy. Guys at the local bar were amazed. I would walk up to the police and have a conversation with them with a fully loaded gun visible. That is how I roll. My world, my way.”-Teacher Jack

(Above) Teacher Jack loves when his students dress in traditional Chinese clothes. Here he is teaching at New Century English Schools in Dalian, China.

(Above) Teacher Jack loves to play hide-and-seek with his female university students. “Playing hide-and-seek sharpens their critical thinking skills.”-Teacher Jack

(Above) Teacher Jack and his current wife of ten years. They have one son together.

Derrick Pistorius as Disney’s Captain Jack Sparrow while teaching English in China

(Above) Teacher Jacks drinks his own drink.

(Above) Teacher Jack is the most trustworthy teacher in China. The girls love his style.

(Above) Eager to learn. Teacher Jack delivers the best English lessons in China.

(Above) Teacher Jack’s students often right messages of appreciation on the whiteboard while he takes a break.

(Above) Teacher Jack, aka Derrick Pistorius, as Disney’s Captain Jack Sparrow

(Above) Young Chinese girls are mesmerized by Teacher Jack and his big guitar.

(Above) Teacher Jack is a magnet for young Chinese girls here in Asia

(Above) Teacher Jack loves KTV

(Above) Teacher Jack insists that his girls are well dresssed for class.

(Above) Teacher Jack makes his girls wear proper attire to class. If a skirt is too short, then he will make the girl wear pants from the school closet for his lesson.

(Above) Teacher Jack planning his next English lesson in while in deep thought.

Teacher Jack is the most experienced foreign teacher in China and currently is a professor at EICC: The International Children’s College of Dalian, China.

(Above) Teacher Jack gives one on one private lessons

Derrick Pistorius as Captain Jack Sparrow

(Above) Teacher Jack in Guilin, China. He loves China’s landscape better than the USA’s landscape.

(Above) Teacher Jack slays a Great White shark in Hawaii with his sword.

(Above) 17 and 18 year old high school graduates are ready for English lessons from Teacher Jack.

(Above) Teacher Jack playing a game with his young Chinese girls.

(Above) An exhausted Teacher Jack takes a break from the Halloween Party. A Chinese teacher was desperate to get Teacher Jack’s attention this year. She succeeded.

(Above) Teacher Jack with his girlfriend in Hawaii, USA on Waikiki Beach , Oahu island.

(Above) Teacher Jack trains his girls to fire a mortar rocket to kill Taiwan traitors.

(Above) Teacher Jack gives private oral English lessons but only for new university students. Female univeristy students are given free , but vigorous, English lessons.

(Above) Teacher Jack , his wife, and his son.

(Above) AI images of Derrick Pistorius aka Teacher Jack. He is a professor at The Children’s College of Dalian , China

Teacher Jack with short hair in Japan

Who is Teacher Jack? Teacher Jack is Derrick Pistorius , a native speaker of English from the USA. His IQ is 135 and he has over thirty years teaching experience around the world. Below are two of his DNA reports. The first was based on an algorithm that compared his facial features to humans on Earth. The second was from a cotton swab inside his mouth and is more accurate. The truth is a mix of both, however, the same conclusion can be reached. Derrick Pistorius has the DNA of a Demigod.

Teacher Jack’s DNA based on an algorithm
Teacher Jack’s official DNA report
Teacher Jack with friends

Teacher Jack loves China and Chinese ladies love Teacher Jack. They love to drink together and play dice games. Teacher Jack also loves to gamble in Macau and South Korea.

Teacher Jack as Captain Jack Sparrow

Teacher Jack loves 18 year old Chinese girls. He enjoys drinking and singing with them at KTV. He also enjoys teaching them English and getting massages from them.

(Above) Young Chinese girls love to play sports with Teacher Jack. He includes sports in his lessons.

Teacher Jack with an 18 year old Chinese girl.

(Above) Teacher Jack also enjoys massaging them.

(Above) Teacher Jack gives private VIP lessons to mothers of his students for free.

(Above) Teacher Jack doing body shots with two girls that have a nipple fetish.

Teacher Jack in Tsingtao, China with two young Chinese girls. Teacher Jack has lived in many different parts of China and loves it. He wants to live and work in more areas of beautiful China.

Most of all, Teacher Jack loves teaching English in China. In the classroom, teacher Jack is magic.

Teacher Jack is magic in the classroom (above) and he makes sure that each student’s phonics is precise by making each students repeat new words after himself as he watches their tongues and mouths. Usually, Chinese students have difficulty pronoucing the final letters (consonants) of each English word.

(Above) Young Chinese girls love Teacher Jack and so do their mothers. Teacher Jack loves everyone in China.

Teacher Jack and Eileen Gu are champions in different ways, however, both strive for excellence. This photo is the intellectual property of Derrick Pistorius and is not to be used without his consent.

(Above) Derrick Pistorius as Disney’s Captain Jack Sparrow

(Above) Young Chinese girls cheer for Teacher Jack and his awesome English lessons.

Teacher Jack loves KTV and KTV massages from beautiful young Chinese girls in JK cosplay attire.

(Above) Teacher Jack’s students are focused on his instruction. He teaches them advanced reading strategies and critical thinking skills making him the most sought after teacher in China. Teacher Jack demands excellence in his students. He expects them to be well dressed and to sit properly in class.

Camping with Teacher Jack

(Above) Teacher Jack is an expert outdoorsman and camper. He loves to take his students camping and does a variety of outdoor activities with them.

(Above) Teacher Jack showing a student how to erect his tent. “There is a first time for everything.”- Teacher Jack

(Above) Teacher Jack loves to teach outside in a natural environment where his girls are free to take their shoes off and relax.

(Above) Cosplayers all over love Teacher Jack’s unique American style

(Above) Teacher Jack’s life is righteous and he is a role model for all children to follow.

(Above) Teacher Jack, the top teacher in China, and his students are showing their appreciation for his hard work.

(Above and below) Teacher Jack is extremely popular with young Chinese girls. They love to play with his nipples.

(Above) Teacher Jack loves to play soccer with young Chinese girls and often includes the game in his lessons.

(Above) Teacher Jack teaching science and mathematics at a top school in Beijing, China. He is the top teacher at every school that employs him.

(Above) Teacher Jack also gives private VIP lessons one on one with students.

(Above) Teacher Jack meets a 14 year old cosplayer. They appear to be father and daughter, much to the delight of Teacher Jack , whose family roots are in Louisiana and Alabama.

(Above) Teacher Jack is in possession of Excalibur, the sword of kings since the beginning of time.

(Above) Teacher Jack holds many official titles including Dragonslayer.

(Above) Teacher Jack between two 18 year old Chinese girls

(Above) Teacher Jack loves Dalian, China and young Chinese girls with milk white skin and delicious toes.

(Above) Teacher Jacks helps by holding up a poster to keep it from falling off until tape arrives. He will do anything to keep China beautiful. He is a hero for all young Chinese boys to admire,

(Above) Teacher Jack is in possession of Excalibur, the sword of kings since the beginning of time.

Is Teacher Jack a professional gambler?

Yes, Teacher Jack is and was a professional gambler in Atlantic City, New Jersey and played seven card stud poker for a living while Donald Trump owned three casinos there. Teacher Jack spoke to Donald Trump more than once. “Trump constantly boasted about having the largest poker room in Atlantic City, New Jersey. I could not get a single word in, so really, it was like I did not talk to him at all. However, after Trump got rid of his casinos, I caught Melania looking for an elevator and I was dressed as Captain Jack Sparrow and we got really drunk together. I ended up getting a nice room for free. “- Teacher Jack. Teacher Jack also gambled in Las Vegas and Macau.

(Above) Teacher Jack and a highly intoxicated Melania getting more drunk in Atlantic City, New Jersey. This photo is the intellectual property of Derrick Pistorius and is not to be used without his consent.

(Above and Below) Melania enjoys bondage bedroom play with Teacher Jack. The video is for sale. These photos are the intellectual property of Teacher Jack and so is the bondage video.

(Above) Melania naked during her climax. This photo is the intellectual property of Teacher Jack is not to be used without his consent.

(Above) Teacher Jack at President Donald J. Trump’s Taj Mahal Casino in Atlantic City, New Jersey.

(Above) Cocaine and Budweiser at President Donald J. Trump’s Taj Mahal Casino in Atlantic City, New Jersey.

(Above) Teacher Jack walking with 1,000,000 rmb and escorted by his wife (security guard) to gamble in Macau.

(Above) Teacher Jack’s students taking an exam. They give their best efforts for Teacher Jack. He is the most sought after teacher in China. He is happiest in the classroom.

(Above) Teacher Jack uses the latest technology in his classroom to engage his students. He is the most sought after Teacher in China.

Above) Teacher Jack donates to charity through Chinese university students. Teacher Jack loves to give to charity and to help all Chinese university students achieve their objectives.

(Above) Recent photo taken August 15th, 2024 in Dalian, China at Xian Mall.

(Above) “Never work girls too hard or you will deplete them of energy.”- Teacher Jack . You will be absolutely amazed at Teacher Jack’s creative solution for China’s population crisis. Click on The Solution to China’s Population Crisis near the end of the list below, but be warned, it is not for the weak, nor is it for children. “You are warned.”-Teacher Jack

(Above) Young Chinese girls love Teacher Jack. They give him their full attention in English class because his lessons are exciting and because he wears boots decorated with gems, gold and silver.

(Above) Teacher Jack is in possession of Excalibur, the sword of kings since the beginning of time.

(Above) Teacher Jack engages all of his students in all of the schools that he teaches in. He has excellent classroom management skills and his students are eager to learn.

(Above) Teacher Jack insists that his students are properly dressed for class.

(Above) Young Chinese girls ,who love cosplay, love to take photos with Teacher Jack.

(Above) Cosplay girls love to take photos and talk with Teacher Jack.

(Above) Teacher Jack loves to play Twister with his students. Twister is a Milton-Bradley game.

(Above) Teacher Jack teaching as Disney’s Captain Jack Sparrow. The girls , in particular, love his pirate costume and sword.

(Above) Teacher Jack designs his own clothes

(Above) Teacher Jack uses music in his lessons to get Chinese girls to sing American pop songs. “I teach teens the lyrics to American songs and they sing them as I play guitar. This is a clever way to get my students to learn contemporary American English. “- Teacher Jack.

(Above) Teacher Jack explains the rules to the game in English as his girls listen, attentively.

(Above) Teacher Jack hits his girls sometimes when playing a game, but all in good fun. They girls love it !

(Above) Teacher Jack as Disney’s Captain Jack Sparrow.

(Above) Teacher Jack has never been fat in his life and never will be. “Sex keeps me thin.”- Teacher Jack

(Above and Below) Teacher Jack is a favorite amongst girls that do cosplay.

(Above) Teacher Jack successfully graduates another class of girls. “I teach to the best of my ability every class no matter who is observing. It is called integrity.”-Teacher Jack

(Above) China’s finest love Teacher Jack’s teaching methods. They are happy and they learn.

(Above) Teacher Jack loves the natural landscapes of beautiful China.

(Above) Teacher Jack is a magician and loves card tricks. He can cheat in any card game successfully.

(Above) Teacher Jack used his magic pirate boots to levitate for ten seconds in full view of spectators at Chimelong Aquarium in Zhuhai, China. He is a master of illusions. However, while playing in the water with his son at the park, somebody stole his magic boots and he had to walk home barefoot. He was never able to replicate the magic trick after that.

(Above) Young Chinese girls love Teacher Jack

(Above) Teacher Jack in Dalian, China at Xinghai Square near the beach.

(Above) Teacher Jack rocks his classes with his guitar. ” Not all women like men with long hair but when they do, they really like them.”- Teacher Jack

Teacher Jack is the most sought after Teacher in China. His lessons top those of his colleagues and his locks of gold are the envy of beautiful Chinese women.

(Above) Teacher Jack is an expert gunslinger and marksman. He can shoot a target from 2.5 miles away.

Teacher Jack’s students often see him in the city of Dalian, China. He is always eager to greet his students outside of school.

Teacher Jack loves JK cosplay and is always eager to speak to cosplayers in China.

(Above) Teacher Jack loves Chinese women in traditional Chinese clothing.

(Above) China loves Teacher Jack.

(Above and Below) Teacher Jack trains young Chinese girls to take care of their bodies and exercises them as if they were preparing for the Olympics. “I work their bodies out and push them to the limit. I show no mercy. I make them sweat and they love me for it.”- Teacher Jack

(Above) Teacher Jack loves young Chinese girls in traditional Chinese clothing.

(Above) The Coronavirus Pandemic did not stop Teacher Jack. He taught private lessons online with beautiful Chinese women to make extra money. “I accomplish my objectives regardless of the situation at hand.”- Teacher Jack

(Above) Teacher Jack enjoys wearing a suit to class because he is a serious teacher with a Master’s Degree in Education. He does not approve of the way his colleagues usually dress. “How you dress is how the world sees you. As an educator, I dress the part.”- Teacher Jack

(Above) 18 year old Chinese girls love Teacher Jack. They find his unique style interesting. Notice the gun that Teacher Jack is carrying on his right leg armor.

(Above) Derrick Pistorius as Disney’s Captain Jack Sparrow

Teacher Jack loves KTV and is an explosive singer !

(Above) Teacher Jack has excellent classroom management. His lessons are exciting and he uses interdisciplinary lessons that engage his students.

(Above) Teacher Jack loves 18 year old Chinese girls.

(Above) Teacher Jack enjoys the company of more than one Chinese girl for excellent conversation.

(Above and below) Teacher Jack gives vigorous lessons in Oral English

(Above) Young Chinese girls love to play with Teacher Jack on the beach.

(Above) Teacher Jack loves to play with mutltiple young girls at the same time.

Teacher Jack loves to play tennis with girls from China. He teaches China girls to take care of their bodies and not smoke.

(Above) Teacher Jack inspects the body of a perfect Chinese girl before intercourse.

(Above) Derrick Pistorius as Disney’s Captain Jack Sparrow performing in Dalian, China.

(Above) Teacher Jack with a hard working university student in Dalian, China. He wants to adopt her as his daughter. “I want to adopt the hell out of her.”-Teacher Jack

(Above) Teacher Jack loves young Chinese women and they love him !

(Above) Teacher Jack loves to tickle her feet. “All Chinese girls like to have their feet tickled and get spanked. I am an expert at both of these.”- Teacher Jack

(Above) Cheers !

(Above) Cheers !

Dance Choreographer:

In addition to being a professor at The Children’s College of Dalian, Teacher Jack is a dance choreographer and had helped Hooters Beijing with their dance steps. Here is a small sample of Teacher Jack’s work:

(Above) Teacher Jack teaches a teen Chinese girl to dance in a hotel room.

(Above) Young girls love to hold Teacher Jack’s pirate sword…..and stroke it.

(Above) Teacher Jack teaches Thai girls the Boom-boom dance

(Above) Teacher Jack loves China and Chinese beer festivals.

(Above) Teacher Jack teaches Hooters Beijing girls to dance. See more in the Hooters Beijing section of the main menu.

(Above) “The top assassins on Earth at this moment are all female.”- Teacher Jack

Teacher Jack loves Pattaya, Thailand

(Above) Teacher Jack is invincible in Pattaya, Thailand. It is a man’s paradise and the best place on planet Earth for men. He has a pet tiger in Pattaya that he rides in the Gulf of Thailand. Teacher Jack loves the young girls there, but only young girls of legal age. Teacher Jack protects children everywhere on Earth. Teacher Jack plans to retire in Pattaya, Thailand at age 80.

(Above) Teacher Jack also rides a zebra in Pattaya, Thailand for pleasure.

(Above) Kai at the Harley Bar on soi 8 where she first met her lover, Teacher Jack.

(Above) Teacher Jack frequents soi 6, which is the best street in the best city in the best country on planet Earth.

(Above) Teacher Jack in Pattaya, Thailand. He is truly happy there.

(Above) One of Teacher Jack’s former elementary students recognized him in Pattaya. Now age 18, she dated Teacher Jack.

(Above) Teacher Jack with his former student in Pattaya, Thailand. ” To teach is to touch a student’s life forever and ever and ever.”- Teacher Jack

(Above) Teacher Jack loves Pattaya, Thailand and he plays guitar with the Thai heavy metal bands there.

(Above) Teacher Jack playing guitar on Walking Street in Pattaya, Thailand.

(Above) Teacher Jack playing guitar and singing on Walking Street in Pattaya, Thailand.

(Above) Teacher Jack knows how to get fresh young virgins in Pattaya, Thailand and in Bangkok, Thailand. Teacher Jack requires virgins, regularly, to maintain his strength, health, and youthful appearance.

(Above) Thai girls playing on Koh Larn island near Pattaya, Thailand.

(Above) Teacher Jack and Kai, his teen Thai lover, in Pattaya, Thailand.

(Above) Teacher Jack sleeps with Kai and three of her girlfriends at the same time on soi 8 at the Pupaya Inn. Teacher Jack possesses divine sexual power.

Teacher Jack’s sexual power is divine and a gift from God. He requires fresh young virgins to keep his youthful appearance. “The daughter destruction I create in my bedroom gives me longevity and I plan to live to be 1,175 year old, and as long as I keep my girls happy and continue to do charity, God will continue to keep me healthy and safe on any battlefield. Allah be praised. “-Teacher Jack

(Above) Kai is Teacher Jack’s teen Thai lover. They are on Pattaya City Beach together.

(Above) Teacher Jack with a young Thai virgin in Pattaya, Thailand

(Above) Teacher Jack requires fresh young Thai virgins, tied to the bedpost, to stay young and healthy.

(Above) Pattaya girls love Teacher Jack and his unique style. Teacher Jack has many Pattaya friends.

(Above) Nattakah is Teacher Jack’s teen Thai lover in Bangkok and Pattaya.

(Above) Teacher Jack and his teen lover, Nattakah, in his hotel after shopping at Victoria’s Secret.

(Above) Teacher Jack and Nattakah in Pattaya, Thailand

(Above) Soi 6 in Pattaya, Thailand is where Teacher Jack loves to go shopping.

(Above) The art of the deal- Teacher Jack negotiates the price with a Thai girl.

(Above) Spanksgiving Day in Pattaya, Thailand

(Above) Teacher Jack with a young Thai girl who is eager for a spanking and some hot action at Teacher Jack’s hotel on soi 8.

(Above) Teacher Jack disciplines a Thai girl for not wearing high heels. “Girls enjoy being spanked, although they won’t admit it, so I enjoy doing it.”- Teacher Jack

(Above) Teacher Jack tickles the feet of two Thai teen girls after sleeping together. Later, they would go to Koh Larn together and swim before going back to his hotel for another naughty night.

(Above) Teacher Jack on soi 6 in Pattaya, Thailand going shopping for virgin teen Thai girls.

(Above) Teacher Jack on soi 6 in Pattaya, Thailand, feeling his way around.

(Above) Teacher Jack delivers a private concert to two teen Thai girls. They absolutely love when Teacher Jack sings to them before bedtime.

(Above) Teacher Jack makes a soi 6 girl wash her vagina before intercourse.

You may now dance to the the other pages of Teacher Jack’s online resume by going into the main menu and right clicking on the main menu. There are about 20 pages of excellence, recommendations, and beautiful young girls. But be warned, by right clicking on the left eye of a particular person, you will instantly be sent into the darkest part of the highly forbidden DARKEST WEB.