(Above) Teacher Jack has a perfect naked male body. He has never been fat in his entire life. He likes to cuddle with young girls in his tent while camping. Teacher Jack’s stomach is completely flat. He rides his mountain bike often to stay in shape.

(Above) Girls enjoy licking Teacher Jack’s nipples. Especially, when he is dressed as Captain Jack Sparrow.

Teacher Jack’s Tattoos:

Teacher Jack has exactly 3 Tattoos. Here are there meanings:

Crazy Horse on his left shoulder. The meaning is that Teacher Jack will oppose the White Ape on any battlefield.

Decapitation of a White Ape at the Battle of Little Big Horn on his right shoulder. The meaning is that Teacher Jack will decapitate the governments of the White Ape.

The standard Captain Jack Sparrow Tattoo on his right forearm. The meaning is that he was an authentic Captain Jack Sparrow impersonator in many places aroung the world.

(Above) Teacher Jack relaxing at the waterpark in Zhuhai, China.