Welcome to the online resume of Derrick Pistorius, the most viewed online resume on Earth. Derrick Pistorius possesses four US Passports. This cleverly conceals which countries he has been to while doing security work. China has 14 different borders including one with Afghanistan. Teacher Jack does not talk about which countries he has been to for security work for his own safety.

Teacher Jack slugging it out with the enemy using an American made M-4 automatic rifle (below).

Here is one of his US Passports (but not his current US Passport):

What state is Derrick Pistorius from? He was born in Pennsylvania and speaks perfect American English with no accent. However, all of his family resides in the Southern part of the USA in Louisiana, Alabama and Florida. His father, Fred Pistorius, was born in New Orleans, Louisiana:

Fred Pistorius (left) and Derrick Pistorius (right)

Derrick Pistorius’s father fled the racist South because he wanted to marry a 16 year old girl who was non-white. At that time, it was actually illegal in the segregated South for a white male to marry a non-white female, so his father relocated to Pennsylvania to marry and raise children. ” I grew up with a distrust for the US government and police because I missed my cousins and grandparents in Louisiana and Alabama. I could only visit them in the summer, driving all the way from New Jersey, because the US government viewed my mother as an inferior human, being non-white.

The Governor of New Jersey honored the fallen mother of Derrick Pistorius. Dr. Pistorius died as a result of President Trump’s mishandling of the Covid-19 pandemic.

My mother died of Covid-19 because the US government, under President Trump. was incompetent. President Trump also felt that there was no need to vaccinate the USA after he discovered that Covid-19 killed non-whites faster. She had a doctorate degree and the New Jersey Governor, Phil Murphy, praised my mother’s accomplishments, yet she is still viewed by many in the USA as an inferior human being which defies all logic.”-Derrick Pistorius

Derrick Pistroius is an American hero who served in the United States Air Force’s Civil Air Patrol and reached the rank of Airman First Class.

Derrick Pistorius is loyal to China and the CCP (China Communist Party). ” I love China and will do everything in my power to make China the most powerful country on Earth and to destroy the global influence of the USA. My allegience is to China and the BRICS nations who I encourage to weaken the US dollar by trading oil in their own currencies”. He adds, ” The rise of China does not mean the fall of the USA, however, the USA is unfit to lead the world and is a failing Republic that is suffering from racism, inflation, and Jewish lobbying.”-Derrick Pistorius

Chinese girls are the most beautiful girls on Earth.

Derrick Pistorius loves China girls and believes that they are the most beautiful on Earth. He also loves Chinese food and Chinese traditions. He encourages Chinese youth to marry and have more babies so that China will continue to have a strong workforce and military in the future. Derrick Pistorius is serving the CCP by teaching Chinese youth about China’s population crisis and teaching them that lesbian relationships should be forbidden because they create no babies for China and will make the country weak in the future.

Derrick Pistorius loves Chinese culture.

While teaching in Japan, the students and parents had difficulty saying the “rr” sound in the name “Derrick”. His boss, Frank DeGraw, suggested that he change his name to Teacher Jack because he knew that Derrick Pistorius had worked as Captain Jack Sparrow in Las Vegas, Nevada and Atlantic City, New Jersey. So from that point on Derrick Pistorius became known as Teacher Jack. Everybody now calls him Jack except for his family and childhood friends.

Derrick Pistorius as Disney’s Captain Jack Sparrow

Teacher Jack’s IQ was measured to be 135 or Superior in grade 8. He currently has a Master’s Degree in Education, A STEM Degree from Thomas Edison State University, and an associates degree in Engineering Science. Teacher Jack also has a current and valid Secondary Mathematics Teaching License in the State of New Jersey where he taught high school mathematics. While teaching mathematics in Bangkok, Thailand, his principal, who admired his teaching ethic, approached him with the idea of teaching English at a local high school on weekends. Teacher Jack discovered that he loved it and later moved to China to teach English there.

China girls love learning English from Teacher Jack

China girls, in particular, love learning English from Teacher Jack. Teacher Jack has patients and a love for Chinese culture. Teacher Jack always teaches to the best of his ability because his own son is half Chinese, is learning English language at school, and is attending school in Beijing, China. Teacher Jack treats every student as if they were his own child and sometimes his son attends his classes.

What does Teacher Jack look like when he teaches children?

Derrick Pistorius transforms into Teacher Jack in minutes. He always is well dressed and prefers a full suit when possible. He wears his long hair in a ponytail and always wears a tie and glasses, although the glasses are a prop to help hold his hair in place as he teaches. The Chinese female staff all love Teacher Jack and enjoy working with him.

Teacher Jack can change is appearance to fit the desires of his school principal.

What will Teacher Jack do for your school and how much will it cost?

Teacher Jack expects a salary of 40,000 rmb to 180,000 rmb per month, plus a lavish penthouse with a fantastic view paid by your school on time each month, paid Chinese holidays, seven paid vacation days in Pattaya, Thailand, seven sick days upon returning from Pattaya, Thailand, four free massages at a local KTV per month by two girls of his choice, and a full salary regardless of which new virus comes to town and causes lockdowns. What will Teacher Jack do for your school?

  1. Teacher Jack will prepare lessons, never be late, never miss a day of work, and will teach English, Math or Science to the best of his ability. He has done this for thirty years.
  2. Teacher Jack will teach as Disney’s Captain Jack Sparrow and wear the costume to promote your school.
  3. Teacher Jack will properly assess any new student’s English ability by administering a fluency test and comparing the results to an oral norms chart to determine what year and semester the student is speaking at. Then, Teacher Jack will select the appropriate text and workbooks for that student.
  4. Teacher Jack will give his students a Fry word list to build their vocabulary.
  5. Teacher Jack will use RAZ kids to improve the reading comprhension and fluency of his students.
  6. Teacher Jack will always be well dressed, smell fragrant, brush his teeth, and comb his hair.
  7. Teacher Jack will dress as Santa Claus and play Christmas songs for the Christmas holiday. He will dress as Captain Jack Sparrow for Halloween and play Halloween songs on his guitar.
  8. Teacher Jack will keep his work area clean and hang the excellent works created by his students on his classroom walls.
  9. Teacher Jack will have excellent classroom management.
  10. Teacher Jack will teach English language with reading strategies and critical thinking skills such as: Author’s Purpose, Inferences & Drawing Conclusions and explain the major difference between these two, Predictions, Evaluation, Asking Questions, Cause & Effect, Compare & Contrast, Previewing, Summarization, Plot Summary & Summary and the major difference betweeen the two, Genre and Subgenre, the three elements of a story, Fiction vs. Non Fiction, Literature vs. Informational Text, the Scientific Method with the relationship between hypotheses, experiment, and drawing scientific conclusions with the reading strategies of inferences, proof and drawing literary conclusions, how to write a research paper vs. how to write a master’s theses, writing poetry and the elements of poetry, explaining the table of contents, glossary, introduction, conclusion, teaching thesaurus skills and dictionary skills and more

Surprising Facts About Teacher Jack

Teacher Jack is an expert marksman and gunslinger. He does security work in foreign countries, usually in opposition to the interests of the USA. His resume of security work is highly confidential.

Bars give Teacher Jack free beer to drink at their bar because it usually draws crowds eager to take a photo with him. He acutually drank every night of the week last summer while working for Tsingtao Beer at Xinghai Square in Dalian, China.

Teacher Jack has performed as Captain Jack Sparrow all over the world and when Johnny Depp heard that there was a man who walked the beaches of Atlantic City, New Jersey dressed as Captain Jack Sparrow while drinking rum, Johnny Depp actually said, “I’ve got to meet him.”

Teacher Jack loves KTV and Chinese people always video record him doing random things without his knowledge. ” I have no idea that I am being video recorded most of the time in China.” – Teacher Jack

18 year old Chinese girls love Teacher Jack. They love his unique style. Not bad for a 52 year old man who has been married four times!

Teacher Jack promotes his schools as Disney’s Captain Jack Sparrow like this one in Beijing, China.

Teacher Jack loves to dress as Santa Claus and perform at his schools for Christmas. He may be the best Santa Claus of all time.

Teacher Jack has flown a plane several times from Medford, New Jersey to Philadelphia, Pennsylvania under the supervision of a United States F-16 Fighter pilot. He was also in a United States Air Force Auxiliary Unit called The Civil Air Patrol.

Teacher Jack has thirty years of teaching experience and his online resume has over ten thousand views each month, making it the most viewed resume on Earth. In this video, he is teaching genre and subgenres of both Literature and Informational Text at EICC: The International Children’s College of Dalian, China. It is a rare video of Teacher Jack not teaching in his suit and tie because he was getting his work visa that day. However, his teaching tactics and classroom management remained unchanged, highly effective, aggressive and professional.

How can you contact Teacher Jack?

Phone: +86 135 3220 1275 WeChat: CaptainJackSparrow8

Gmail: or Yahoo:

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